The Hopevale Trust has been set up with the following objectives as recorded in the Trust Deed:
For such charitable purposes within New Zealand and overseas as the Board shall from time to time in its absolute discretion determine and are valid charitable purposes and without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is intended that the Board in exercising this discretion shall give preference to Christian ministry that:
(a) Assists with the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to immigrants to New Zealand, their families, and their associates;
(b) Supports and enables the building of Christian discipleship amongst immigrants to New Zealand, their families, and their associates;
(c) Supports any form of activity or programme that has a direct relevance to the integration of immigrants into New Zealand communities;
(d) Supports practical care and hospitality to immigrants, their families, and their associates as required both in New Zealand, and on occasion outside of New Zealand;
(e) Assists with the educational support of immigrants, their families, and their associates as required both in New Zealand, and on occasion outside of New Zealand;
(f) Support short-term exposure programs or mission trips, local and abroad, to enhance faith and knowledge of mission and culture;
(g) Partners with such ministries and charities with likewise objectives.
As a Charitable Trust registered with the Charities Commission the Hopevale Trust is required to provide annual summarised returns of donations and charitable giving to the Charities Commission, as required by law.
You can read more information about Charities Commission requirements on their website at
The Hopevale Trust bank accounts have been set up as electronic transactions only, as these minimise bank fees.
If you have any questions about the Hopevale Trust, how it will operate, and on what the giving will be applied to, then please talk to Ross Waugh.